North Node-Chiron Conjunction in Aries II

The assembly of the North Node of Destiny and wounded healer Chiron is fast approaching. The intense karmic conjunction contributes to confusion regarding the sense of direction and the dire feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop. What’s next? The North Node is a lunar point that leads to the path that should be taken, which must be prioritized. It’s unfamiliar, uncharted territory that will breed personal growth and fulfillment. Chiron is an asteroid associated with a karmic pain that when healed can become a superpower that when used virtuously can help heal others who went through similar experiences. These two giants will meet under the constellation of Aries in its second decan; where virtue and character are paramount. 

Aries II is a decan with significations of leadership, nobility, character, and the impact it has on oneself and the world that one creates for oneself. Every action has a consequence that must be addressed when fate deems so, which requires the responsibility to make intentional decisions. But what happens when you don’t have a clear enough understanding of yourself to know what’s the best decision to make for yourself? This conjunction will bring about decisions regarding identity, worth, and character; embarking on a journey into a new beginning. 

Independence is scary, it requires having the inner strength to go against the grain and stand up on your own two feet. But that is difficult in areas where you’ve needed to rely on others in a way that hinders your true personal growth. Needing to tap into confidence that has been briefly forgotten, this transit is a beneficial time to heal a damaged self-image. To remember who you are and what truly makes you special, what makes you “royalty” in your own right. The second decan of Aries is ruled by the Sun and the face where the exaltation degree is located. It contains potent solar energy and with the magnetized effects of the North Node, this is a great time for an ego boost, to feel yourself just a little. But it is advised to not go overboard but also try to see things without rose-colored glasses and not in haste. Habits are not immediately created nor dropped, it’s dire to use governance, and building leadership skills comes with time and mastery. In Austin Coppock’s description of Aries II, he warns that “one's virtues and vices come to define their lives. Indeed, the world remembers one for little else but these two.” This further conveys that decisions that shape and affect character must not be rushed; what you do and say is what you’ll be known for. This is why carrying personal responsibility for self and others is heavy and uncomfortable but necessary for each individual. 

In the chart of the North Node-Chiron conjunction the two meet in the 10th house of legacy, reputation, and higher calling. There’s an urgency to improve public image and to have achievements to prove worthiness to others, the desire to fulfill the ego comes at the expense of fulfilling the inner self. With the South Node in Libra in the 4th house there needs to be a release of indecision and putting the needs of others before yourself. Staying in your comfort zone and playing it safe will only breed resentment and stagnancy. There’s a need to unbind from the responsibilities put on you by others step into true independence and embrace individuality. It’s important to give yourself the grace and the time to discover who you are, who you want to be, and the impact you want to leave. There’s great potential for a rebrand, but there needs to be a process of healing and grieving of who you once were and what you’re leaving behind to start the process of a clean slate.

North Node-Chiron Conjunction in Aries

The dispositor of the conjunction, ruler of the Aries alignment is Mars in Aquarius in the 8th house. The 8th house’s significations include shared resources, the death and rebirth process, debt, and trauma. With 4 planets in this house, there’s a lot of attention and energy being put into 8th house topics. Especially with Mars and Pluto being planets of energy, will, and focus. There’s so much energy being put into holding onto what’s shared with others but you must ask yourself is it worth it? Aquarius in the 8th house can manifest as feeling trapped by the status quo and societal constructs when it should be a place where you’re truly going against the grain and doing things your way. Mars is causing a separation from the obligations that keep oneself feeling unable to move forward in life whether this is because of financial issues, trauma, or relying on the income or resources of others. Venus is applying a conjunction to Mars softening the difficulty of the transition, allowing more of a positive perspective on an otherwise difficult situation. Venus is also in its own Decan in Aquarius I where its impact is strong and supports creativity and thinking outside the box. Especially while co present with Mercury boosting analytical skills, ideals surrounding conducive teamwork, and sharp communication. This will help support clearing things out but it’s important to avoid melancholy and fixed behaviors. 

The collective energy is to break away from the bounds that prevent freedom and allow space to explore new beginnings and ways of life. One negative experience about this aspect is being power-hungry and seeking control and dominance. Wounded egos will be exacerbated and those who choose not to heal, but to harm or gain power, will not only negatively impact themselves but also those who follow them and are impacted by their decisions. This goes back to the importance of the Aries II decan, the “Lord of Virtue” carries responsibility as well as dignity, wisdom, self-regulation, and respect. Understanding when to stop or to proceed and having diplomacy is important to govern not only others but also oneself. Establishing a legacy is no easy feat, but all it takes is intentional actions choosing the kind of person you want to be, and following that up with actions that match your ideals. This is a transit that can be used to improve but just like life, it will be what you make out of it. 


COPPOCK, A. (2014). 36 faces. THREE HANDS PR. 

Chang, T. S. (2021). 36 secrets: A decanic journey through the minor arcana of the tarot. Anima Mundi Press. 


Venus Cazimi in Leo