Venus Cazimi in Leo
In Astrology there are different planetary conditions that affect the way planets operate, some more positive then others. When it comes to conditions involving the Sun planets that are over 1°-17° are respectively combust or under the beams. This causes the planet to be “burned” or overwhelmed by the Sun and experience lack of power and obscurity. There is one special condition where the Sun doesn’t burn a planet but renews and strengthens it. This condition is referred to as Cazimi or “in the heart of the Sun''. Rather than being afflicted by the Sun the planet that is Cazimi experiences the warmth and significance the Sun holds. In order for a planet to be Cazimi it must be within 1° or 17 arc minutes from the Sun.
On August 13th 2023 at 7:15am EST a Venus Cazimi will occur in Leo at 20°28’. Venus has been retrograde in Leo since July 22nd just 20 minutes before the Sun entered the same sign. The Sun has been highlighting and putting a focus on what we have been reevaluating regarding themes of Venus. Hellenistic astrologer Vettius Valens has stated that retrogrades weaken a planet while causing “delayed expectations, actions, profits, and enterprises." Venus is a planet that rules over finances, pleasure, relationships, attraction, creativity and more. Collectively during this retrograde people are trying to figure out how to overcome creative blocks, overindulgence, overspending and how to have relationships that are both enjoyable, reciprocal and allow freedom of expression. There are also people that are thinking about past creative endeavors and old loves whether platonic or romantic. This Cazimi can help turn things around for the better in your Venus retrograde story.
A Cazimi does have a positive impact but it also enhances whatever is present which includes the effects of the retrograde. The difficulties experienced during the retrograde could become more apparent especially with a square to Uranus in Taurus; which can cause unexpected disruptions resulting in a change of direction in your journey. Listening to intuitive nudges or reoccurring signs will help to make the best decisions for your well-being and mental health. Although it might hurt with the Venus cazimi trine Chiron retrograde in Aries there’s opportunity for major healing, independence and confidence gained from the experience. Many astrologers have joked about the amount of breakups that have occurred since Venus was in its pre retrograde shadow and moving in the retrograde motion but this Cazimi will cause so many people to choose themselves. Breakups are about to continue especially within Hollywood. But self expression, creative direction, inner child healing, and passion will be regained. Embrace the experiences the lessons have given you and transmute that energy to not only love yourself but also to prioritize your needs and desires.
Below is how the Venus Cazimi will affect each zodiac sign. Read for your sun or rising sign.
Aries Sun/Rising
Financial issues will become more apparent when it comes to your children, dating life and hobbies. You might not feel like you can afford to undergo your creative projects or do fun activities that you enjoy or would love to experience. You’re going to find yourself thinking outside the box and will find opportunities to make these things happen for yourself. Whether you have to do it on a budget, broke or if you’re lucky you could get blessed and not have to worry about cost at all. This Cazimi will help you regain your innate confidence, self expression and independence. Although it’s important to balance relying on others and doing things ourselves; you need to regain your belief in yourself and what you’re capable of. This planetary alignment will also point out who in your life is worth fighting for whether it’s a best friend or romantic partner.
Taurus Sun/Rising
It’s hard to navigate life when you’re trying to figure out what’s best for your private life, family, household in a way that’s in alignment with you. Your outlook on life, personality and appearance are going through a metamorphosis. You’re also learning more about yourself and what you want for your life. This can clash with family values and traditions and be viewed as taboo or unheard of. This Cazimi can mark a new start with your family members, lineage and traditions. Healing generational curses especially those that include aggression, pride and selfishness. Make sure to listen to your intuition at this time to navigate any confusion, frustrations or difficult conversations. Release expectations of serving and providing for others, even family. This is also an opportunity to do what’s needed for you to feel complete and seen.
Gemini Sun/Rising
You’re becoming more aware of your negative habits and behaviors and its impact on your relationships and environment. It’s hard to fully step out of your comfort zone when you’ve been in hermit mode for so long. It’s time to start using your voice and communicating with purpose. You have charm, passion and charisma but need to work through feeling uninspired, low energy or creative blocks. It’s ok to be tired and need rest but make it productive and intentional instead of using it as a way to procrastinate. When you’re resting make sure to actually rest or feed your mind with something stimulating like a book or a podcast. You need to pour into yourself mentally and spiritually instead of continuing to deplete your life force. If you’re interested in changing your environment this Cazimi will open up opportunities to either travel locally or move. If you have any old creative hobbies, this would be a good time to pick it back up and start documenting it!
Cancer Sun/Rising
You may not have all the things you need or desire right now but remember to be grateful for what and who are in your life. Opportunities will come from friends and those in your community to get what you need. You know a lot but you don’t know everything. Right now it’s less about what you know then who you know and their connections, utilize all of your resources. You’ve been grinding and trying to make something out of yourself but haven’t seen it materialize. This Cazimi will help open doors for you to start gaining recognition for your skills and abilities. But you need to allow yourself to be able to showcase yourself, you need to fall back in love with yourself. Have a sense of appreciation and confidence within yourself to know that you deserve good things and that they’re on its way to you. Working on your self esteem will allow you to better present yourself to the outside world and can open you up to receive the advancements you’re seeking.
Leo Sun/Rising
Renewal is your keyword, since Venus went into retrograde you’ve been thinking about what works and what doesn’t when it comes down to your essence and appearance. You want to make a change and this Cazimi will give you the clarity for what your new era will be. You’re not one for conforming, you set the trends and lead the way, you need to lean into that energy no matter how “out there” you appear to others. Your goals and aspirations have changed and so have your idea of what your career and public image should look like. Live your life for yourself and continue to put yourself first. Be prepared to accept and fall in love with the upcoming new version of yourself. Continue to learn more about your interests, and the journey it took you to get to where you are now. Now is not the time to self sabotage any process that you’ve made so far, your abilities will continue to get better and be seen by others as long as you keep going.
Virgo Sun/Rising
Endings bring us closer to new beginnings, you’re aware of what you need to do for yourself to best move forward and that includes leaving the past behind. Dwelling on old losses, missed opportunities and betrayals will keep you stagnant and will waste all the work you’ve done to get where you are today. You’re able to see different perspectives and make decisions objectively, now is the time to do so and reclaim your energy and power. Don’t feel powerless to what you can’t control or obstacles preventing you from elevating. The main focus is you getting out of your own head and your own way. You have what it takes to get to the next step but you have to show up physically or visually, lean into social media and self broadcasting. Use this Cazimi as a chance to work through any financial issues or sudden losses that occurred as a result of going after your dreams. Your intuition will not misguide you, use alone time to reflect and gain closure on what was so you can move closer to your next beginning.
Libra Sun/Rising
A glow up is on the horizon, it involves you reclaiming your personal power and releasing the need to put the needs of others before your own. Relationships haven’t been easy for you for some time now but things are going to ease up with your ruling planet being strengthened and renewed in your 11th house of hopes, wishes, dreams, friends and community. People in your life have been leaving which has triggered insecurities and feelings of abandonment. Whoever is no longer in your life wasn’t meant to stay in your life and it’s important to try to find closure from the situation. You’re going to have the right people that want to uplift and support you enter your life but you need to work on the trauma of those that came before then so you don’t repeat the same mistakes that left you heartbroken. It’s important to not expect yourself from others. Be open to relationships that encourage and support you, your beliefs and ideals.
Scorpio Sun/Rising
You have been called to release control, not fixate on the outcome and to trust that everything you need and desire will be taken care of. You’ve put in so much work and have slowly gained some recognition. Working through delayed gratification takes time and energy, thankfully for you this Cazimi will bring you much deserved acknowledgement. You can lessen your workload and take some time away to relax on a vacation, adventure or with loved ones. Title changes, promotions and advances will appear in your career or calling soon enough. With the additional attention you’re about to receive this is a good time to make sure your health and diet are taken care of; which is why now is the time to take it easy with all your duties. The new changes will require your attention so you need to create routines that will accommodate your current responsibilities and prioritize your physical, mental and emotional health.
Sagittarius Sun/Rising
You’re at a crossroads when it comes to figuring out what’s the best move for you regarding matters of the philosophical mind, education or the broadcasting/publishing world. The best decision to make is the one that you feel the most driven and passionate about. It’s important to consider how this will affect you financially but if you aren’t truly invested into this then it won’t be worth it in the long run. This Cazimi will provide you with the clarity to make a decision that is in alignment with your journey and desires. If a financial move is necessary to move forward like investing or taking out a loan you’re supported but this shouldn’t be based on a whim or risk. This needs to be researched, well thought out and something that you have thought of or previously considered. This move has the potential to advance your goals and career endeavors while making your daily life better. Consult with a financial advisor to make sure that you’re fully informed if this is something you’re serious about.
Capricorn Sun/Rising
It’s difficult to have such high expectations of perfectionism for yourself, continuously having to make sure that you’re doing the right things for yourself and those around you. This Cazimi is calling you to lighten the load and go within to work towards releasing trauma and responsibilities imposed on you by others especially during your upbringing. Having support is important when doing shadow work or past traumas, seek out a medical professional if you’re open and able to attend therapy sessions. Finances and shared resources are also something to reflect on at this time. If you have goals that you want to work towards in the future it’s important to start a saving plan, pay down debt and research different loans. Try not to spend unless it’s truly necessary, an unexpected expense might pop up when it comes to your children, a hobby or the person you're dating.
Aquarius Sun/Rising
Your relationships are about to experience a welcomed refresh; platonic, romantic and business related. Lately it seems like the people you’re dealing with are trying to turn over a new leaf and get themselves together. They could be trying to work on their communication skills, method of commuting or even improving their immediate environment. It appears that they’re trying to regain a sense of balance that is in alignment with their values that feels authentic to themselves. This could go against the beliefs of their family or even how you truly feel, there could be drama surrounding this but whatever conflict comes about will help address whatever’s been keeping them stagnant. Address how you feel but don’t try to control them, it won’t solve anything except push them away. This Cazimi is giving you the chance to explore who and what can give you the support and enjoyment you’re looking for without having to compromise who you are as a person to force you to take a backseat role in your own life.
Pisces Sun/Rising
Balance is calling your name and requesting to enter into your life, your day to day needs a makeover and this Cazimi is going to give you clarity on how you should go about achieving it. If you are working too much or doing a lot for or with others you need to try to schedule more time off or try to invest into self care. If you aren’t working enough, it’s time to reevaluate what you really want. Are you truly invested in what you’re doing everyday or are you stuck in your comfort zone, have your routines turned into habits that you’re unsure of how to get out of? Working on creative hobbies will help you get a feel for what you should put your energy into, you need to be passionate about what you do and feel like you can provide to others every day or do on a consistent basis. Who you surround yourself with will help; making sure that you have accountable and supportive people in your life will have a positive effect on you. Be open to receiving tough love, it’s better to have someone give honest criticism from a good place then be a yes man.
Avelar, Helena, and Luis Ribeiro. On the Heavenly Spheres. American Federation of Astrologers, Incorporated, 2010.
Brennan, Chris. Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. Amor Fati Publications, 2017.
Valens, Vettius. Vettius Valens, Anthology, Book 4.1. Edited by Sara Brooks, translated by Andrea L. Gehrz, ANDREA GEHRZ Incorporated, 2017.