Capricorn New Moon 2024

The final New Moon of the year is here to help close out 2024. The (2+0+2+4=) 8 year has been very Saturnian through the trials and tribulations to refine who you are as a person and to align you in your purpose. The year of consequences full of karmic retribution ends with a Capricorn New Moon, a Saturn ruled sign. Here’s what to expect with a forecast and horoscopes for each sign. 


New Moon-Lilith square  

Venus-Uranus square

Mercury-Chiron trine

Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn T square

Mars-Pluto opposition

Mars-Pluto aspecting the Lunar Nodes 

Overview forecast

The Capricorn New Moon occurred on 12/30/2024 at 5:27 pm. The year was closed out by a Black Moon, the term for a second new moon in a calendar month. Have accountability for your actions and address the reasons behind you getting in your way. The desire to achieve your goals intensifies the more you procrastinate; use caution before reaching an unbearable point. You know what you want but lack the discipline and structure to get your plans started. This New Moon in Capricorn will assist you in bringing order and stability to your growing foundation. In the chart of the New Moon, the lunation occurs in the 6th house of work, routine, and health. Establish a new flow to help you build structure in your everyday life. Boundaries with yourself and others are necessary, with the New Moon forming a square to Lillith in Libra in the 4th house of upbringing, home, private life, and family. Come to terms with the fact that pleasing your family’s expectations doesn’t suit the person you have become. As an evolved version of your past self, you need to understand there are remnants of insecurities you must work through. Release the guilt of unworthiness or not following through with old plans. You are impacted the most by your decisions, live your life for yourself.

Don’t feel ashamed of who you are and what your interests are; post that reel or create that YouTube account. Your inner voice needs to be louder than the perception of opinions from others. Facing your fears will never be a regret. You may notice a need to confront your past for the next month. Ease into the necessary discomfort. Reflecting on what worked, what didn’t, and how you felt will assist you in formulating your plans for the future. 

Stop worrying about what is out of your control; it will only drive a further wedge between you and your desired accomplishments. Routines have the potential to become traditions; with the ruler of the New Moon in Pisces in the 9th house of wisdom, spirituality, and the higher mind, this is beneficial to the soul. Pivot to go deeper and achieve your goals; reach and tap in with the belief system of your choice to assist you with the direction you need to go. Incorporating meditations, prayer, journaling, or any other spiritual/religious practice consistently will aid with structure and accountability. Much can be learned from long-form content like podcasts, YouTube, and blogs to plan your upgrade. 

Be mindful of how much pressure you’re putting on yourself, Mars in Leo retrograde in the Ascendant of the chart shows tension brewing beneath the surface. You can’t skip steps this time around, rushing the process will only breed opportunities for mistakes and delays that would cause further frustration. Taking breaks and moving at your own pace is the best in this situation. Too many commitments may lead to biting off more than you can chew leading to the stages of burnout. This New Moon is all about working smarter, not harder. Deciding to delegate or drop a responsibility will aid you in progressing forward. A slow and steady pace will give you what you need to keep going; progress is not linear. What matters the most is to start and keep going; stop putting things off for later. Later will not come, what is promised is what you decide to do now. Keep going until it’s a habit and make sure to plan out your approach. 

Both the New Moon and its ruler are in the bounds and decan of Jupiter; fortune is on your side, you can use your lived experience and wisdom in your favor but you must act. Fortune favors the bold; those willing to bet on themselves AND make tangible plans to move forward will be in alignment. The seeds were planted months ago, and you’re beyond the seedling stage. You have a plant that deserves to maintain its existing growth, tend to it so it can continue to develop and flourish.

The ability to manifest long-term success is potent, be clear on what you want and know you are enough to have it. Align yourself with the person you want to be, who are they known for? Open-mindedness and strategic thinking are a mindset to embody. This Jupiter-Saturn square has put a damper on your ability to see beyond your current standpoint; your worries aren’t as intense as they once were yet they are still present. Call upon your community for assistance with the next steps, if they aren’t able to help you directly their network may. Feel free to walk away from those who are preventing you from growing or unable to see the vision you’re trying to bring to fruition. Their opinions may further cloud your judgment; this isn’t to say cut them off completely, a temporary separation may do the trick unless you feel that isn’t enough. Integrate the experiences and lessons that shaped you into who you are in your communication to your respective communities. You have much to offer and perspective to share, let yourself be heard. 

North Node in Aries conjunct the Midheaven further proves that you are going against the grain and pioneering to new territory. This is the birth of a new direction where it’s only moving up from this point on. You have authority over how you’re portrayed, don’t allow other people to write your story for you. Chiron in the 10th house of visibility, achievements, and ambition shows uncomfortably being on display in the way that you desire. Adding unnecessary pressure on yourself will not bring anything to fruition. How you show up now is different than how you showed up before. Start. Someone will see your work, someone will buy from you, and you’ll enter the right spaces. Check in to be sure your heart is in the right place as you further these goals, and continue for the right reasons. Not to impress others or to one-up competition. Instant gratification and ego boosts won't fuel you in the long haul. It will eventually lead to the people-pleasing and validation-seeking that is unfulfilling to you. As mentioned, reflect on the past to ensure what enters your future. Hold compassion for yourself and those around you; the collective energy isn’t easy to navigate though with many finding themselves moving through fog. 


Aries Sun/Rising

Manifesting the life you want is within reach. You need to shift your mindset to feel worthy of experiencing it. The pleasures you partake in aren't conducive to your aspirations. Tame your impulses and adopt more structure into your life. Remove distractions that delay or impact your goals. Vision boards will be very beneficial to planning and aligning to your higher calling. 

Taurus Sun/Rising

You don’t have to earn the right to live life on your own accord. You have the freedom to experience whatever you desire. You have been conditioned to play it safe and not rock the boat. Hindering your desire for expansive growth has inhibited your ability to see the bigger picture, resulting in fewer opportunities. Time to accept more for yourself and plan your next journey! 

Gemini Sun/Rising

This New Moon is a chance to unburden yourself from the past and its resulting financial restraints. Getting clear on your finances will allow you to advance further in your career. You need to get serious about the changes you need to make. You can't get back the time you spent procrastinating, but you can create a strategy to move forward. Face your fears to be set free.

Cancer Sun/Rising

You’re a movement by yourself but a force when you're within a partnership. Having the right people by your side can propel you forward in your endeavors and self-discovery journey. Be open to working through disagreements with others while seeing who could be compatible to collaborate with, date, or befriend. Notice a necessary shift in your belief in relationships. 

Leo Sun/Rising

Lately, it’s felt like you are against the world; you’ve been putting in the work, but it’s time to evaluate where you’re putting your energy. Your responsibility to take care of yourself is a priority; you’ve been putting off committing to healthy habits and routines. Reintroducing structure into your daily life will keep you accountable and decrease potential stress-related burnout. Create a plan and stick to it; everything will fall into place.

Virgo Sun/Rising

Life has been coming at you fast. As serious as things appear, it's time to loosen up and reintroduce fun into your life. Dating can be enjoyable but don’t limit it to the only fun you make time for. Start a new hobby or reconnect to one that you enjoyed growing up. Finding fulfilling interests will open up the opportunity to gain a like-minded community. Get out of your comfort zone, tap into your creativity, and enjoy the process. 

Libra Sun/Rising

Prioritizing yourself while making room for others has been a balancing act. You have to release certain expectations for yourself and your goals; your inner world is about to endure a refresh. This New Moon will bring perspective to how your upbringing has shaped you and what you can implement into your daily life to feel more at ease. Strive for a happy and healthy home life; your private life will have more of an effect on how you show up in public.

Scorpio Sun/Rising

Your voice carries power; this New Moon will provide you the ability to express yourself and your needs with clarity. Make sure not to doubt yourself; your intuition is heightening, guiding you to the right places. Your thoughts may wander as things become busy, start slow and use grounding techniques to stay afloat. Reading and writing will be more enjoyable, serving as a method of self-expression or a fun pastime. 

Sagittarius Sun/Rising

Your desire for financial abundance and a glow up isn’t far-fetched. The company you keep could be a part of why this may feel unattainable. Fill up your cup before you pour into others; you aren’t asking for enough, which has led to feeling drained. Use this New Moon energy to work on self-value, self-belief, and financial management. You have so much to offer that should be appreciated; it all starts with you first.  

Capricorn Sun/Rising

As the supportive friend and the person who puts the team on their back, the time for renewal is here. You’re starting a new cycle; be self-involved and give yourself some much-deserved TCL. Be open to buying new makeup, changing up your hairstyle, and purging your closet. The spotlight is on you; be seen for who you are and how you’d like to show up. Now is not the time to play it safe; allow your goals and interests to take center stage. 

Aquarius Sun/Rising

You deserve peace of mind as you recharge; intentional alone time will support you through the highs and lows. Creating a plan that incorporates a schedule and self-care routine that involves calming your mind will serve you well. This New Moon has brought attention to how you’ve hidden your talents from the world; you can’t keep winging it and expecting better results. Be seen and appreciated for who you are. 

Pisces Sun/Rising

You deserve to be connected to the right people who will support you with no strings attached. Diversify your network irl and on social media; fears of inadequacy, betrayal, and financial constraints have kept you from striving toward your goals. Being open with others about your dreams can get you further than ever expected. Get clear on the type of people you’d like to be in the community with and how you can enter those spaces. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post if you’d like more context into any area of your life consider booking a private service with me here. Please comment, reach out through the contact page, or via email if you have any questions.


North Node-Chiron Conjunction in Aries II