When you don’t follow your nature there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be.
-Dane Rudhyar
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Meet Benedictta
Hello, my name is Benedictta! I am a modern tropical astrologer, certified tarot reader and intuitive. My goal is to help others understand themselves from an astrological point of view, reclaim their power and gain a true understanding of who they are and the world around them.
1:1 Services
60 mins • $125
A natal chart is essentially a screenshot of the sky of a person’s birth. It’s a cosmic blueprint or roadmap of sorts of one’s life. During this reading we’re going to look through your birth chart and go over highlights, challenges, strengths and answer any questions you might.
This reading is recommended if you haven’t had a chart reading before or would like further knowledge and insight into your chart.
60 mins • $150
Get a personal forecast of any time frame to see what’s in store for you. Seek out guidance for decision making, clarity on how the energies of the planets are influencing you, and the type of lessons that may appear.
This reading is not only great for a Birthday Year ahead or Monthly Forecast but also for understanding what you’re currently dealing with and reasons for events of the past. In the notes write down any specific questions you have, areas of focus, or time frames.
Choose One of the following options:
Year ahead (Astrology only Birthday Reading),
Year ahead (Astrology-tarot Birthday Reading),
Month ahead (Astrology only),
Month ahead (Astrology-tarot),
Reflect on past occurrences,
Dive into future occurrences
12-18 mins • $40
To be delivered a recording, a time and date must be chosen. The recording with be will be delivered via email within four days of the booking date. If you select a service that includes oracle/tarot cards a picture will be included with the recording.
30 mins • $75
Are you seeking to gain insight and guidance to situations in your life? Or want to understand why you keep seeing or hearing the same signs and numbers?
Choose your pick of divination; would you prefer an in-depth tarot and oracle card reading based on any questions or topics? Would you like to experience a combination of astrology and tarot to understand your cosmic blueprint and where you stand energetically? Or would you like to understand what repeated angel numbers are trying to inform you and how to move forward? Enjoy the experience of divinity.
Choose One of the following options:
• Tarot Only
• Tarot and Oracle Cards
• Astrology-Tarot
• Tarot w/ Pendulum
• Astrology-Numerology (Angel Number Interpretations)
45 mins • $100
All encompassing relationship reading focused on whatever is on your radar. Gain insight into a romantic relationship or complex situation(ship). Interested in starting a self love journey or want to figure out how to make a partnership work? Then this is the reading for you, you can choose this service for romantic, platonic or business relationships. This service is only for the chart of one person, doesn’t include synastry or composite charts. Includes a 5+ card spread.
45 mins • $100
This reading incorporates your natal chart, planetary transits, and secondary progressions to determine the best methods of self care to practice that are aligned with who you are as a person, what you’re currently experiencing and the person you’re evolving into. This reading includes a “Self care” oracle and tarot spread.